Gussion, New Character Mobile Legends: Combination Lancelot and Hayabusa
Circulating game footage video from new Mobile Legends hero in Instagram. By the owner of the Instagram account named mobilelegendstoday, the new hero is claimed to have the name, Gossen. Gossen characters, as you can see appear in purple and silver outfits, and wear armor on the arm. As for weapons, Gossen fights rely on daggers (a kind of dagger).

From the video description in the post, mobilelegendstoday mention if Gossen has a style game that combines three existing heroes, namely Lancelot, Helcurt, and Hayabusa. No wonder the Gossen movement looks as nimble as the three heroes.
Gossen is now available in advanced servers with the price tag of 32,000 battle points or 599 diamonds (currently 30% discount). This Hero was included in the Assassin classification.
The Gossen passive skill called Dagger Specialist is said to give extra damage from the enemy's HP after the enemy gets three stacks of attack. For his first passive skill called Sword Spike.
Gossen will throw the dagger in the enemy's direction and produce 200 (+ 50% Total Physical ATK) damage. Each of the enemies affected by the attack will be marked with a dagger on it and you can attack it again with a teleport-like skill (like Lancelot).
Well, while both skills are Shadowblade Slaughter, similar to the Phantom Shuriken skill of Hayabusa. It will throw five daggers at the enemy and generate 105 (+ 50% Extra Physical ATK) damage. Once thrown, you can reverse the blade again with the damage 70 (+ 30% Extra Physical ATK).
Finally, Gossen's ultimate skill, Incandescent allows him to perform a kind of teleport movement towards the enemy. By activating this skill ulti the first and second cooldown skill will reset and movement speed increase 30%.
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