5 Meta Heroes in Mobile Legends That Often Used by Players

To date, there are 48 heroes in Mobile Legends before Hylos is released to the official server. The whole hero continues to change in each patch, either in-buff, nerf or rebalance. The changes are what makes every hero meta on every new patch. This time, the WorldGames team will share the list of meta heroes that now appear in every classic or locally ranked fight. The following hero-heroes on the patch are now perceived to have tremendous power and can win games easily.

1. Grock

Harus Tahu! Ini Dia 5 Hero yang Lagi Meta di Mobile Legends

Hero fighter/tank this one started often used in every match. Despite the nerf's experience that made his ultimate damage less, he is still very strong in the game especially if he is near the wall or Turret. One of the reasons is his Guardian's Barrier that is useful for zoning in the game so that enemy heroes will be difficult to get close or blurred, especially on narrow pathways that can easily be covered by walls. Grock can produce very high damage at the same time so hard no wonder if he became a meta hero today. To get Grock, you can buy it at a shop for 32,000 BP or the equivalent of 599 diamonds.

2. Odette

Since its appearance in the game, Odette immediately ogled by the players Mobile Legends. Because the area of Swan Song, the ultimate skill is very large and very suitable when combined with hero-hero crowd control like Minotaur, Gatotkaca, Tigreal and many more. Not only that, all his skills also produce high damage magic coupled with extraordinary control effect. In today's meta, you will most certainly see Odette in the game. Despite having to buy this hero for 32,000 BP or the equivalent of 599 diamonds, it seems to pay off with such great power.

3. Lancelot

Harus Tahu! Ini Dia 5 Hero yang Lagi Meta di Mobile Legends

Odette's heart is also a meta hero today. Lancelot became hero assassin with the highest damage at this time as well as a very agile hero. It is a very dangerous hero when released and get level or item quickly. Only with a combination of his 2 skills alone, Lancelot can kill soft heroes easily. Not only that, his cooldown skill was relatively short with Mana low cost so often use it.

4. Cyclops

Harus Tahu! Ini Dia 5 Hero yang Lagi Meta di Mobile Legends

Who is not familiar with this midget hero mage? Cyclops ability in the game is no doubt in the game. He can kill 1 hero who moves alone quickly thanks to his painful and low cooldown skill combination. No wonder if he became a meta hero now as well as being the best gangster hero in Mobile Legends. If you think the meta hero cost 32,000 BP, you're wrong because Cyclops you can buy only with 15,000 BP or equivalent 399 diamonds. Hero meta cheaper nih guys!

5. Harley

Harus Tahu! Ini Dia 5 Hero yang Lagi Meta di Mobile Legends

The last meta hero in Mobile Legends is Harley, one of the different hero mage from other heroes. If the hero mage mostly relies on skill for high damage magic, Harley actually rely more on basic attack because his passive skill gives extra magic damage in every basic attack he does. Plus Poker Trick that adds attack speed every time you hit the enemy to make Harley can finish off the enemy with only basic attack just like hero marksman. Harley's price at the shop is fairly high, which is 32,000 BP or the equivalent of 599 diamonds.

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