What is Mobile Legends? Is It Dangerous Game or Not?
It's been a controversy since the advent of video games, that video games are often a problem for a child's development. It does have a psychological effect, but is the malicious game in this news true?
Some time ago, netizens especially Asian gamers are surprised with the presence of a picture of a photo of an Indonesian newspaper. It contains a list of dangerous games in Indonesia! Before we discuss more about this dangerous game, let's look at the image that became the controversy:

When observed, of course, the eyes of Indonesian gamers, especially the editorial team GGWP.id fixed on the right side of the news. Yup, Mobile Legends is ranked first of 16 dangerous games! The reason? Because it is considered to have elements of violence and not educate!
It can not be denied that Mobile Legends (as well as other titles on the list) do have an element of violence in varying degrees. But is the game dangerous and very worrying?
The author personally feels the news is very misleading (noting that the news is incomplete). The Mobile Legends game rating system has given an indication of the age of 12 years and over, so if any underage child is still playing it, of course, it is not just a Mobile Legends error!
In fact, Mobile Legends has become one of the foremost game titles to advance esport scene in Indonesia through tournaments such as MSC and MPL that bring careers to top players like Lemon and JessNoLimit.
Playing games like The Sims alone can be a "dangerous game" when players spend tens or even hundreds of hours playing until they forget the real life. On the other hand, Mobile Legends can even be a game title that teaches about communication and teamwork too!
Well, in order to minimize the unwanted effects in playing games for children, of course, parents should be able to supervise their children when they play the game. Pay attention to the game rating system that has been provided to make it easier to assess the game whether it is worth playing by a child with a certain age!
In the end, the author argues Mobile Legends as a game is not dangerous, but it can be dangerous when abused (played by minors who are baperan, playing ML to forget to eat 2 days, etc.).
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