Guide and Build Items Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends: The General Ruler of the Ocean

According to legend, Yi Sun-shin is a genius Korean-born genius war general. Yi Sun's excellence is his hybrid set of skills, where he can strike you from a distance and when you are careless he can instantly shorten the distance by jumping towards you! Also, the ultimate skill is practically almost has a global cast range!

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

Not excessive indeed if Yi Sun-shin we call a hybrid hero that has many advantages and best among other heroes marksman. In addition to having a pretty sick attack skill, Yi Sun-shin also has a stunt skill that can hit multiple targets at once and is very useful when the total clash.

Yi Sun-shin can be played anywhere, you can use as top laner, mid laner, jungler, and also as ADC. Wondering what it's like we go directly to Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends guide!

1. Haas's Claw

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

The first item that may be mandatory and mandatory for each ADC or marksman is Haas's Claw, in addition to increasing the output of damage from Yi Sun, this item is also useful to give sustainability or resilience to Yi Sun you on the lane. If you put in a position like jungle or top lane this item is also highly recommended, considering this item has a 40% lifesteal as well as other benefits such as a 10% increase in physical lifesteal.

2. Swift Boots

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

For a marksman in addition to a large damage output, attack speed is also necessary and important. Because you guys want Yi Sun you guys like to bring machine gun instead of arrow aka having a super speed attack speed, then Swift Boots is the right choice. This item also helps you to mobilize or roam to your friend's lane to help ganking kill.

3. Berserker's Fury

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

Output large damage, fast attack speed will be more serene and useful with critical rate is also high! Because critical attack is the type or type of physical attack of the highest standard. Critical attack has a higher damage usually up to 2 or 3 times the amount of damage you have. So this item is a pretty relevant item considering Yi Sun is a marksman with a considerable damage output!

4. Scarlet Phantom

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

Scarlet Phantom features passive excitement required by Yi Sun, Passive-Frenzy where your attack speed will increase by 25% and crit rate by 5% for 2 seconds if your attacks are critical. This item also adds the physical attack status of 30 and that is not less important is increased attack speed by 40% and crit chance 10%.

5. Rose Gold Meteor

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

The next item you can build is Rose Gold Meteor, similar to the previously mentioned item marksman, this item also adds attributes of your phsycial attack also gives an additional lifesteal of 5%. This item also has features such as Passive-Lifeline where you will have a shield to counteract the damage coming from 510 ~ 1350 if HP is below 30%. Also this item is also the only deffense item you have by giving Magic Resistant effect of 30.

6. Windtalker

Guide Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends

It is an item that you can actually build after having Haas's Claw. With a fairly cheap price, this item provides a lot of additional statuses that quite a lot like attack speed, movement speed, and critical chance. With the addition of this item you will feel like using a machine gun instead of traditional arrows because of an additional 25% off the main attack speed! This item will also increase your movement speed by 20 and added with a passive skill which will increase movement speed by 5%.

7. Battle Spell: Weaken or Flicker

The last one that we will discuss in Yi Sun-shin Mobile Legends guide is Battle Spell, this is no less important because it will really support your performance as a marksman. But all back to taste or to the game style of each, but this you can try to apply.

The first choice is Weaken, where Battle Spell is suitable if you play very aggressive. With the effect of slowing the opponent's movement speed by 70% which will make the opponent become a slug, also this spell will reduce the physical percentage and the opponent's magic attack by 50%!

The second option is Flicker, if your game type balance and high priority mobilization, Battle Spell is suitable because with this spell you can use to enter or run away from war.

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