6 Best Exclusive Games Console for PC

For gamers who often actively play in online forums, of course, they really know how the rivalry between console gamers with PC. If PC gamers often boast of maximum experience and stable Framerate per Second (FPS) to mock console gamers, console gamers will ridicule PC gamers that they can not feel the pleasure of playing exclusive games!

For me personally who more often play games on PC, it is very annoying. Indeed as PC gamers, we must accept the bitter reality when the developer spawned a game with the best quality only in the console. Inevitably to taste it, of course, we have to buy the console.

Admittedly, the exclusive games that exist in the console are many who have qualified qualities because they are formulated with maximum and not half-half. Some exclusive games of this quality should be recognized to be the exclusive game console that PC PC gamers dream about. I am interested here to discuss what exclusive game console PC gamers dream of.

I would certainly use a PC gamer's point of view in general guys. Let's go straight to one game at a time what the PC gamers dream of an exclusive game on the console. 

1. Uncharted Series

Penjualan PS4

The most annoying thing was when Naughty Dog released Uncharted for the first time in the PlayStation 3 game. At that time I was not at all tempted until finally Uncharted 4 release. Before released, Uncharted does have tremendous lure for PC gamers. Not infrequently from PC gamers who pressed the developer, Naughty Dog to remove Uncharted on PC.

But it seems like a mere wishful thinking because Naughty Dog stays firm in its stance to make Uncharted an exclusive game. Until finally Uncharted 4 released, PC gamers must be sad to see how cool the quality presented by this one game both in terms of gameplay, graphics, or other factors.

I personally end up not strong with this temptation and must be willing to spend my money on a PlayStation 4 for Uncharted and for the sake of realizing my dream to play this one game. With all the qualities it has, it's no wonder that Uncharted becomes an exclusive gaming console that PC PC gamers dream about.

If Uncharted 4 release for PC, maybe you also need spec that is not cheap to be able to run this game in best quality guys. How? Are you the one who wishes Uncharted Series to be present on PC?

2. The Last of Us

Again Naughty Dog! Yes, this one developer is one of the best but for PC gamers, Naughty Dog is often annoying for not allowing their game to multiplatform release. Unfortunately, the games released by Naughty Dog are the best and best games.

At the beginning of the article we have discussed Uncharted Series which is the exclusive game that PC PC gamers dream about. Now, there is another Naughty Dog game called The Last of Us that is phenomenal in 2013. This game takes a pretty unique storyline where you will be adventuring with Joel and Ellie in a world of 20 years after an unknown disaster their world.

This game has a good storyline and also the development of his character will be felt as the story goes. Shown stunningly from all aspects of making The Last of Us sequel become one of the always-awaited game, it is seen when Naughty Dogs announced the second series of the game.

As the best games are very prominent in the console and its exclusive nature, of course, makes PC gamers jealous. Yes, PC gamers will not be able to enjoy Joel and Ellie's journey if they do not buy the console because that's the only way that PC gamers realize their dream to play this game.

3. Bloodborne

The exclusive game console that PC gamers dream of next is Bloodborne. This one game has a similar mechanism like Demon's or Dark Souls. This one game is very unique of course because the story is good but it will be very complicated to understand. Bloodborne itself will make gamers adventure in a town called Yharnam.

In this city you are required to survive because this place is inhabited by many monsters who are ready to eat you. With the gothic theme of Dark Soul style, this game will really enjoy once to be played on PC. But it seems the sales agreement makes this game just a mere wish for PC gamers.

4. Silent Hill

game ps remake

How many horror games are there on PC? How many can look fascinating and frightening like Silent Hill? The answer is certainly very little. Silent Hill is a legendary and creepy game. Even already guaranteed we will feel continuously insecure when playing this series.

Some Silent Hill series has indeed been rolled into the PC, but not for the first Silent Hill. This one game as if stuck in the console and just be a wish for PC gamers. In fact, the first Silent Hill is one of the best survival horror game ever in the gaming world.

This game contains a vast world but it becomes felt narrow and full of uncertainty due to the mist that enveloped this city. In addition, a series of horrible monsters are also present in the first series. Have you played this one on the PlayStation 1 console?

5. Horizon Zero Dawn

The exclusive gaming console game that PC gamers dream about is Horizon Zero Dawn. Yes, the game developed by Guerrilla Games is indeed worthy of being considered as a perfect game, especially in terms of graphics. Horizon Zero Dawn shows the true strength of the PlayStation 4 in graphics as it is able to show a very beautiful picture and can be enjoyed.

In addition, this game is also one of the best RPG game ever. We can do a lot of exploration in this game or just to hunt for the wild machines that will be used as animal mounts. Not to mention a story that deserves to be followed to make this game a game of PC gamer dreams.

Maybe when this game came out there are some gamers who are willing to buy PlayStation 4 to play this game, moreover Horizon Zero Dawn into a game that gets positive reviews from various critics and gamers.

6. God of War

In the gaming industry, the name of God of War certainly should not be underestimated. Released for the first time in 2005, God of War went on to become a really cool and always-looking game. Unique formula with a lift of Greek mythology, making this game skyrocketed and became one of the best.

But unfortunately, this game will never stop at PC seems. This is evidenced in three previous God of War series that have been released only on the console only. Maybe for three games that PC gamers are not so much affected. But what about God of War 4 games that will be released in 2018? Are you PC gamers still strong not to buy consoles? If you do not buy a console, it is certainly your dream to play God of War, especially God of War 4 will be hard to manifest.

Well, that's the six exclusive game consoles that PC PC gamers dream about. Indeed from the first lot of quality console games that are present in the PC, but the six games is a game that is currently high hype and it is certain PC gamers dream of six games are stopped by the PC platform.

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