5 Mobile Legends Tricks to Keep on Winning in Rank Mode
What are tricks of Mobile Legends to win? Mobile Legends, MOBA game from Moonton is currently the most popular game in Indonesia. If you ever play MOBA games, of course, you feel familiar!You who already understand MOBA would have understood basic attacking, farming in lane, doing gank, and push to destroy the main objective.

In order for you to gain GG, Duniaku.net will give you Mobile Legends tricks and tips that make you better understand the important things in this game, and able to give victory on your team. Let's check out the following Mobile Legends trick tips!
1. Make sure your internet is stable
Mobile Legends is a mobile game that relies heavily on stable internet connection. No need fast, which is important stable. Of course, you do not want in the middle of the game, eh so lost because the internet broke up right?
You need to know your internet network works well from a smartphone provider. Changing a smartphone provider can be a solution if the provider you use in your area is unstable! What about Wi-Fi? If you play at home and have a good Wi-Fi connection, be thankful!
For example, you can try Speedtest by Ookla before you start playing Mobile Legends using public Wi-Fi. What if playing with public Wi-Fi? Look for places that have a stable internet connection. You can try it first with Youtube buffering for example, or use the application speed test .
Latency is denoted by a green signal in the right corner of the screen, and if you click it will show latency number . It's good you continue to check your latency, if the number is above the 100 ms, it's good not to force play to the heart more calm and peaceful.
2. Rotate your hero usage
After mastering one hero, you need to learn other heroes. Using many heroes, you can find alternative heroes besides your favorites. By not mastering one hero, you also will not be overwhelmed if in draft or tournament mode , your favorite hero is hit by a tire. If you master more than three heroes, it will be an advantage!
By using different heroes, you can also know each of the advantages and disadvantages of each hero. Surely you will be able to memorize the movement and how to play every hero your opponent uses, so it can easily to control.
3. Using the correct set emblem
Emblem is a kind of rune that you put on hero to help you in battle. The emblem may seem trivial, but any slight increase in your hero status will be helpful! Make sure you use the right emblems for your heroes. There are indeed sets of emblems for each type of hero (fighter, mage, jungle, etc.). But it's a good idea to do emblem research that fits your style.
For example, if the hero you use is a fighter, it is suggested that the Fighter Emblem Set, but you can use Jungle Emblem Set that increases movement speed and attack speed. Usually, hero marksman instead uses Jungle Emblem Set to help them escape or chase heroes, and also provide an attack speed to help push early in the game.
4. Make the most of buff and minion jungle
Mobile Legends has some heroes capable of killing monsters in the jungle from the beginning of the game. This hero is usually called jungler type, prepare this hero with the right emblem set and equip items that support you in the jungle! Oh yes, do not forget to use Battle Spell Retribution if you intend to do jungle.
In the jungle there is also a buff to support hero leveling, finish off other jungle monsters faster, or even do a successful gang! The minion that gives the buff is represented by a purple dot on the map.
In the jungle, or rather on the edge of the forest, there is also a Turtle and a "snail" which if you kill will give you gold! The turtle will provide gold for one team, while the "snail" will provide gold per second for the kill. A good jungler can kill the Turtle alone on level 4 using Raptor Machete and also Level 3 retribution. But if you can not be forced yourself, ask one of your friends to be more secure!
There is also a Lord who, if you kill, will help your team destroy the enemy tower! Tips Mobile Legends tricks will certainly make you more GG doing farming.
5. Prepare gear before battle
The last Legends Mobile trick tips are gear or items. Gear is a very important thing in Mobile Legends to make your hero skills more painful! Each gear has passive status and skill like movement speed, lifesteal, and many others. In fact, there is a gear that can make you live again after being killed!
At least you need to research the Mobile Legends item for your hero, although Mobile Legends already provides the default gear, but you also need to look around for a suitable guide for your game style.
Do not forget to set the right gear before you enter the game. So when playing, you do not need to bother looking for what items will be purchased at the shop, all just click away.
If you have read the tricks tips of Mobile Legends above, of course, you will understand the "secret" of Mobile Legends! Although impressed trivial, but this has a pretty big effect to win the game.
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