5 Benefits If Your Hero Get Nerf in Mobile Legends
Nerf is one way that Moonton to reduce the ability of a hero who may be experiencing OP (Over Power). Sure hell with the nerf will make the game become more balanced. However, it will make upset and disappointed for the hero user whose hero is exposed to the nerf. Well, but do not be disappointed if your hero is exposed to nerf in Mobile Legends. This time I will give you 5 benefits if your hero is exposed to nerf in Mobile Legends.

5 Benefits If Your Hero Get Nerf in Mobile Legends
1. Frequently Underestimated
If your hero is exposed to nerf, then your hero's ability automatically decreases even with so many. However, if you are good at knowing the right way to use it, it will not make you trouble and remain a GG in the game. Your opponent will probably underestimate you so you can surprise and play freely because you will be spared from enemy kidnappings or enemy gangs.
2. Making Enemy Difficulty
If your hero is exposed to nerf for a long time and is no longer a meta-hero anymore. Then use it in the Fashion Mode will make the enemy difficult because maybe many players who have forgotten your hero skills and more concerned with hero in meta only.
3. Not Banned Again
Usually, the hero who considered the OP will be the victim of banned in the Fashion Mode, especially in Epic Rank upwards who have used the draft pick system. However, in the presence of the nerf, will make the hero will not be a victim of banned anymore so you can use it in the Fashion Mode.
4. You Can Use it Anytime
Hero OP will usually be the choice of many people so we will be difficult to be able to use it if we are in the plot under draftpick Mobile Legends mode. Often we will fight each other teams even threaten AFK if not given her favorite hero. However, it will no longer apply if your hero is exposed to nerf.
5. Avoid Being Targeted by Enemies
If your hero is rarely used by other players and you still use it in the Fashion Mode, it will make the enemy will not do the first target to kill you because it may consider your hero is useless. The enemy will usually target the hero who is considered the OP rather than having to kill you.
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